Application for AHCB Hippotherapy Certification renewal or HPCS renewal must be submitted to AHCB before the expiration date of your present certification. While AHCB will attempt to send a reminder in advance, it is the responsibility of the AHCB Hippotherapy Certified Professional or the Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist to keep AHCB apprised of any change in contact information and to apply for renewal in a timely manner.  

Applications for renewal must be submitted PRIOR to the expiration date listed on your certification. 

Refer to the Professional Testing Corporation website for current COVID protocols.

Contact Information

If after reviewing the application you have questions regarding renewal for a specific certification, please contact the respective board member:

AHCB Hippotherapy Certification: Linda Frease
HPCS: Jann Goodman

If you have any general questions, please contact Carol Huegel or Celia Bower,

AHCB Hippotherapy Certification Renewal

You can now pay online!

AHA Inc. Members: $145

Non-AHA Inc. Members: $195

If you pay online, you still need to download the AHCB renewal application and send it in (mail or email) with proof of payment. You can still pay by check.

*Please submit application and necessary documentation together.      

Your AHCB Hippotherapy Certification is valid for five (5) years.  Note that the valid dates are printed on your certificate.  At the present time, any ONE of the following options is acceptable for renewal, in addition to the maintenance of licensure in your therapy profession:

  1. Re-take and pass the examination
  2. Sustained Membership in AHA throughout the 5 years and attendance at a minimum of one AHA Conference or AHA approved course
  3. Written evidence of at least 50 hours of continuing education per 5-year certification period with a minimum of:
    • 14 hours of any AHA sponsored education including seminars and conferences
    • 15-25 hours related to the incorporation of hippotherapy as related to your professional practice
    • 15-25 hours related to equine subject matter: i.e., psychology, training, handling, biomechanics, veterinary care, nutrition, etc.
  4. Written evidence of significant scholarly activity* appropriate to the incorporation of hippotherapy, approved in advance by AHCB.  Examples of acceptable scholarly activity* include:
    • Publication or research of scholarly article in Juried Publication
    • Scientific research
    • Teaching/developing continuing education
    • Faculty in Therapy Education related to hippotherapy

*Scholarly activity not specifically mentioned above will be considered by AHCB upon written request by the individual.  The activity must demonstrate strong knowledge in, and relevance to, treatment incorporating hippotherapy.      

Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist (HPCS®) Renewal

You can now pay online!

AHA Inc. Members: $260

Non-AHA Inc. Members: $310

If you pay online, you still need to download the HPCS renewal application and send it in (mail or email) with proof of payment. You can still pay by check.

*Please submit application and necessary documentation together.

Your Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist Certification is valid for five (5) years.  Note that the valid dates are printed on your certificate.  At the present time, any ONE of the following options is acceptable for renewal, in addition to the maintenance of licensure in your therapy profession:

  1. Re-take and pass the examination
  2. Written evidence of 120 hours of continuing education distributed over the five years, with:
    • 50% (60 hours) in education related to equine subject matter: i.e., psychology, training, handling, biomechanics, veterinary care, nutrition, etc. 
    • 25% (30 hours) in education related to direct service in your professional discipline
    • 25% (30 hours) in any other subject related to hippotherapy
    • Note: hours may be accrued through AHA activities, including:
      • Active participation with an AHA, Inc. Committee
      • Publication in AHA, Inc. Hippotherapy publication
  3. Written evidence of significant scholarly activity* appropriate to the incorporation of hippotherapy, approved in advance by AHCB. Examples of acceptable scholarly activity include:
    • Publication or research of scholarly article in Juried Publication
    • Scientific research
    • Teaching/developing continuing education
    • AHA approved faculty
    • Faculty in Therapy Education related to hippotherapy
  4. Written evidence of an alternative endeavor* approved in advance by AHCB that indicates strong horse knowledge and ongoing involvement in the incorporation of hippotherapy.

*Scholarly activity and alternative endeavors not specifically mentioned above will be considered by AHCB upon written request by the individual and is not guaranteed. The activity must demonstrate strong knowledge in, and relevance to, treatment incorporating hippotherapy.